Welcome to my personal website!

Here you will find a selection of research highlights and some personal information you might need.

Current position

I am a postdoctoral researcher at Space Telescope Science Institute, part of the ISM*@ST group.


I obtained my Ph.D at Ghent University in 2020.

A few research keywords

  • Photodissociation regions

    Orion Bar, NGC 7023, the Horsehead, and more.

  • Carbonaceous features

    Decomposition of the NIR and MIR emission bands

  • Radiative transfer

    Specifcally in 3D, using Monte Carlo techniques.


Below I've highlighted a few of my software projects which I am actively maintaining and using, and a few projects I've contributed to in the past. If you would like to use one of these, questions and suggestions are welcome.

  • JWST data reduction scripts

    Reduce JWST IFU data for extended sources. Wraps around the official jwst Python package, with different settings, and tools for association generation and parallel processing.


    I'm contributing to PAHFIT and applying it to decompose JWST spectra into individual emission bands. I created an additional collection of tools called PAHFITcube, to fit IFU datacubes and visualize the results in a convenient and consistent way.


    3D Monte Carlo Dust Radiative Transfer.


    Module developed as my Ph.D project. It implements the typical physical processes in PDRs, given a certain radiation field and certain dust properties. RADAGAST was then coupled to the SKIRT radiative transfer model.

Recent publications

PDRs4All VIII: MIR emission line inventory of the Orion Bar

Mid-infrared emission features probe the properties of ionized gas, and hot or warm molecular gas. The Orion Bar is a frequently studied photodissociation region (PDR) containing large amounts of gas under these conditions, and was observed with the MIRI IFU aboard JWST as part of the "PDRs4All" program. The resulting IR spectroscopic images of high angular resolution (0.2") reveal a rich observational inventory of mid-IR emission lines, and spatially resolve the substructure of the PDR, with a mosaic cutting perpendicularly across the ionization front and three dissociation fronts. We list around 100 lines in a table, and measured the line intensities and central wavelengths. The H I recombination lines originating from the ionized gas layer bordering the PDR. This includes H I recombination lines, various ionization stages of Ne, P, S, Cl, Ar, Fe, and Ni, and the pure-rotational H2 lines in the vibrational ground state from 0-0 S(1) to 0-0 S(8), and in the first vibrationally excited state from 1-1 S(5) to 1-1 S(9).